Monday, October 31, 2016

Fall Happenings at the Elliott Home

The Fall season for us this year has meant the end of football and the beginning of softball.  Braden was a lineman and he did pretty well.  He played a lot during the games and really came out of his shell.  Braden was pretty sad when the season ended.  I feel like we have FINALLY found a sport that he likes so we were pretty sad when it ended.  He has grown up so much in the last year and as a Mom, I just want it to slow down!  I do enjoy his new found independence, though!  Coming up soon, we have a banquet so that will be exciting to get all of the boys together again!  Sophia has gotten much more agile and athletic this year.  Her hitting has improved a ton and she made it onto the Marshall SheCats traveling softball team.  This team has had much success in Marshall through the years and we are pretty stoked that she made it on the team.  It will be expensive but well worth it.  Yesterday, we finished our last tournament.  The girls dressed up as Dalmatians and were pretty stinking cute!

My Vacation times were just set for next year.  I took two weeks for my kids' spring break and two weeks in July.  Unfortunately, Brad and I will probably not be able to take a week vacation for just us this year like we had originally planned.  We wanted to try to go to either Dominica or St. Martin.  We MAY be able to squeeze a week in at the end of the year but it will depend on work.  It sucks, but the kids are more important.  We are planning a trip to Disney the end of July.  We would LOVE to take the kids and we want them to have the experience of going.  I am already starting to plan it and I am pretty sure we will do 2-3 days at Universal Studios and at least 4 days at Disney.  Of course, we will work some sort of beach vacation in, so I'm planning on St. Augustine for a few days.  I did some research and I am pretty sure there will be some sea glass waiting to be found on some of their beaches!  I'm also thinking the bioluminescent kayak tour on Indian River Lagoon.  I think the kids would be mesmerized.  I know I was when we got to do the bio bay in Vieques! Overall, I'm excited to share my planning with everyone in the months to come, so get ready for loads of Disney!
