Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Indiana Military Museum

Our son Braden loves all things military, so when the opportunity to see a WWI reenactment, we had to make sure Braden got to go.  We surprised him early Sunday morning on March 20th.  He didn't know where we were going.  He figured it out when we got to Vincennes and got to the museum.  The first thing you see when you arrive is a Navy Airplane and many tanks and vehicles used in the military.  He was getting excited.

We saw this plane when we first got to the Museum.  Of course we love it, because it's a Navy plane!  Our oldest son is in the Navy so we are a bit partial to this branch :)
 Braden cheesing and excited about what we have planned for the morning!!!
The reenactment portion was decent.  It was interesting to see the outfits, the authentic military camps, and witness the history of how fighting was back then.  The group tried to make it as real as possible.  Quite interesting.  Once the reenactment was finished, we headed to the Museum to check out all of the authentic military pieces.  There was quite a bit to look at.  I would say that if you are interested in military antiques and vehicles, you would need an hour or so to see everything.  Outside, they have many military vehicles and planes.  They also have authentic military bunkers that you can take a little tour through. Overall, this was a nice little Sunday morning/afternoon trip!!!  Check out their website Indianamilitarymuseum.org if you get the chance!  They may have some upcoming events you may want to check out! 

We took this picture in front of the George Rogers Clark Monument along the Wabash River

Gorgeous picture of the Wabash River and my kiddos


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