Sunday, July 3, 2016

Dauphin Island Sea Glass

So, my Husband really got into sea glass while on Vieques.  He is a hunter and is a bit competitive, so I'm positive that he got into it because of those qualities.  While on vacation in Dauphin Island, he was bound and determined to find some sea glass.  I just wanted to sit my bum in the sand, but he wouldn't let up.  I had told him before we left that one of my sea glass books mentioned the island as a place for sea glass.  As soon as we got there I had already blown it off because of the white soft sand.  I assumed we wouldn't find much.  You know what they say about assuming things.  He searched and scoured the internet until he found a blog.  The blog is and she talked about finding sea glass on the island.  Brad came to me ecstatic and said we had to go check it out right then.  So up I got out of my comfortable beach chair and we made our way to the condo.  My brother and his girlfriend decided to tag along because they had never heard of it before, and they were intrigued.  The spot the blogger spoke about is the east side of the island across from Fort Gaines, and it mentioned lots of creepy crawlies on the rocks.  When we got there, all I saw was numerous fishermen and huge boulders lining the beach. Once I got close enough, I could see the bugs crawling.  I was very hesitant.  After only a minute or two, Brad yelled that he found a piece.  The rest is history and I threw caution to the wind and decided a few creepy crawlies wouldn't stop me from finding some sea glass. I found many pieces in various stages of tumbling.  We had to teach my brother and his gal how to tell if glass has been tumbled enough and what to look for.  It didn't take them long at all to start finding some awesome pieces!  We searched for about 45 minutes and decided to try it again the following morning.  As we were leaving, Brad happened to run into a fisherman who asked what we were doing on the rocks and what we were searching for.  Brad explained that we were looking for sea glass and the fisherman told us about a beach as you are leaving the island to the right of the fisherman's pier.  Well it was game on, then!  I was getting excited and the thoughts of sitting on my bum disappeared rapidly.  The following day, we left to find more sea glass.  We started on the bridge and found the pier.  We looked to the right and all we noticed were private property signs.  Brad went to the pier office and asked where we could go along the beach for some beachcombing.  The cashier explained that we needed to drive just a few hundred feet past the signs and that we could park along the road and look for glass to our heart's content.  We found a lot of great pieces along this stretch of beach as well!  We had to dig through some shells and search in more rocks, but it was well worth it.  I wasn't ready to go back because we were doing so well, but the NO-SEE-UMS got to us and we quickly decided we had enough.   

   I didn't take the best of pictures, but some of my finds include a crab leg, a star fish, some shells, driftwood, some tile and lots of sea glass.  The blue glass you see in the picture is not tumbled enough.  It is still somewhat sharp and shiny.  Blue is so rare that I couldn't bring myself to throw it back! 

This is the picture I took after Brad found the first few pieces at the beach across from Fort Gaines


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