Sunday, April 19, 2020

Route 66, 2019

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So, we had so much fun on this road trip. We laughed and talked the entire drive, which made it go by faster.  We decided we would try to stop at every kitschy place we could find. You all know I like odd places.  There were some that we didn't get to stop by, but I ended up adding the entire Route 66 to my bucket list.  We left late at night from Disneyland on the 30th of March.  We stayed at the park late to watch the fireworks, which was well worth it.  We also stayed late so we could spend time with Tyler, my son.  He was deploying in a few days to South Korea, so we were moving Maddi back home.  After leaving Disney, we got slowed down in traffic and at McDonald's.  We waited in line at McDonald's for AT LEAST 45 minutes, and it was insane!  All we wanted was a quick snack and a sweet tea for the road.  Maddi drove for quite awhile before we decided that we were tired and we needed to shut our eyes for a few minutes.  We ended up stopping at a rest area right outside of California, which was our goal.  The following morning, on the 31st,  we were in Arizona and we found an alien outpost to stop by an Alien Outpost.

We decided to take a detour to visit the Grand Canyon. This was about. 4-5 hour detour by the time we got there, took some pictures, and got back on track with our route. I wrote an entire  section on this in more data il, but there are a few pictures below.

Once we got back on track, we finally made it to New Mexico around four in the afternoon and hit quite a bit of traffic.  The scenery was beautiful, so we didn't mind getting slowed down.  I don't know that I could ever get tired of the huge rock formations.  We ended up stopping late in the evening and getting a hotel room.  Early the next morning, on the 1st of April, we got up and hit the road again.

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Image may contain: 3 people, including Becky Elliott, people smiling, possible text that says 'HISTORIC NEW MEXICO 66 ROUTE'   No photo description available.

Image may contain: possible text that says 'ROUTE'           No photo description available.

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We made it to Texas around eleven in the morning.  We were doing really well with our timing. One thing that scared the crapola out of me, was the rest areas.  There were signs for us to beware of rattlesnakes.  Uhmmmmm.....I told Maddi and Sophie that if a leaf even shakes or makes a noise near me, I'm flipping my shit and running.  It would be every girl for herself. We noticed that even the trash cans had strong personalities!  We were only in Texas for a short amount of time, before we were in Oklahoma. We were just driving through the top hat of Texas. 

No photo description available.Image may contain: possible text that says 'Don't mess with Texas®'
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Oklahoma took much longer to drive through. Our goal was to at least make it to Missouri, which we accomplished.  Oklahoma was fun.  We stopped by some cute souvenir shops, met a buffalo, and got sick.  Yes....We got sick.  All of us.  We ate some bad meat at a Taco Belle, and had to utilize those souvenir shop bathrooms in a bad way.  The joke from there on out, was that we used the bathroom in every state on the way home.  We saw some tumbleweeds and got some cactuses at one of the shops and then we were on our way.  At this point, we were basically just ready to be home. 

No photo description available.            Image may contain: Becky Elliott, smiling

Image may contain: Becky Elliott, smilingNo photo description available.

The night of the 1st, we stayed right inside Missouri.  The following morning, we got up and hit up the Bass Pro shop.  We spent a few hours shopping and looking around.  When we got back on the road, we kept seeing signs for Uranus.  We were dying to stop. Thankfully, we didn't miss our turn.  We literally had a fun time and laughed so much!  We made it to Highland, Illinois around 2 in the afternoon and decided to get something to eat at the Mile High Pie restaurant.  We got a few pies to bring home for family.  Finally, we were only a few hours from home!  We ended up getting home around 6 in the evening. It felt wonderful to be home, but we were also thankful for such a great trip and that we made it home safely. 

                 No photo description available.Image may contain: Becky Elliott, smiling

                 No photo description available.Image may contain: Becky Elliott, smiling, possible text that says 'URANUS ROUTE 66 US FUDGE FACTORY'

Mile High Pie 
There are so many places I would have loved to see along the way. This has been added to my bucket list. I would love to have a few weeks with my Husband to go from the start of Route 66 in Chicago, and to take it clear to Malibu. There are books and websites that you can follow.


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