Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Dominican Republic 2020 Part 2

DR Part Two
Early morning sprinkles 

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting, table and outdoor
We started the day with a little bit of rain and a whole lot of Mimosas

So far, we have been having a blast!!!  After the first few days, I completely forgot about my initial review.  The one where I said it felt like a time share???  All of the staff has been nothing but accommodating and helpful. I have said to Brad numerous times that I have never in my life met a more happy and excited group of staff members.  Yes, they live in paradise, but come on...It's still work!  I asked one worker if he liked his job.  He told me that he loves his job, because they make the best wages in the area and the resort takes great care of them.

I ended my first post with the second night, so I will begin with the third day!  The third day started out a bit rainy.  Not a big deal!  Why worry?!  It's not home and it is paradise.  Soon after breakfast, the clouds cleared out and it was a beautiful day!  We met our friends for breakfast at Casabella quite early again.  We started out with numerous mimosas..  Again, no big surprise. 
The view from our beach chairs
Selfie on the beach! 

Beach Day! 

The afternoon was sunny and warm.  I sat out while Brad and our friends played a beach volleyball tournament.  I had to sit out because I have a ruptured disc in my back, unfortunately.  They all had a blast and I was a cheerleader and I made sure they had drinks!  Lunch for today was at the Blue Marlin.  Later in the afternoon, there were some gardeners that had some coconuts.  They lobbed off the top so we could take them to the bar for some rum.  It was quite tasty!  Saturdays are the typical time slot for the foam pool party.  We had never done this at any of the other resorts we had stayed in.  We jumped in and started dancing!  They gave out balloons and drinks.  We seriously had THE BEST TIME EVER!  We actually were wishing that they had another one during our time there. 
Coconut drink filled with rum 
Shots from dinner at Mamma’s
Dinner was amazing and we had the BEST servers!  Even the bartender was so much fun! When dinner was over, we took customary Mamajuana shots.  This was a local shot made from some sort of root, bark and liquors mixed together.  I wish I had gotten a picture!  I did get a picture of our other shots, though.  They were also quite tasty!  Once dinner was over, we walked over to Sanctuary Town. The theme tonight was “White Night” and they had some shows and a painting group there to entertain the crowd. We closed down The Pub, again :) 
Image may contain: Brad Elliott and Becky Elliott, people standing, tree and outdoor
Night 3, Dinner at Mamma's Forno & Pasta

Day four started just like day 3! Plenty of mimosas and food! As you can see from my photo, even the waiter thinks I’m a lush!
Breakfast of Champions! 

After breakfast, we made our way to the Castle and we played some card games by the pool. In the afternoon, we took a short walk off property to the Cap Cana Beach. It was gorgeous. There was a port where cruise ships can come in and dock. I would have to say, this beach probably gets quite busy sometimes.

Cap Cana Public Beach

Lunch was enjoyed at Casabella again. They had a huge random assortment of items to make sure everyone could find something they would like. For dinner, we chose The Wok. I guess in an old Kardashian episode, the family rented this restaurant out,  and ended up getting into a fight. Just a fun fact. Brad and I have never been to a teppanyaki table. While here, we had our own private chef for our group. It was quite enjoyable! We found that we actually enjoyed the cooked sushi and all of the meat prepared. We had a blast! After dinner, the resort had a belly dancing show that we caught the end of. And again, we closed down The Pub that night! 

Ready for dinner at The Wok

Our last full day was perfect and started the same exact way as the others! Even this many days later, the mimosas still flowed quite well! We spent the entire day on the beach. I got in a few naps. We had plenty of drinks and laughed all day! It was fabulous. The photographer came around and took our pictures. That evening, we had reservations for The Steakhouse. We enjoyed the dinner, but it was probably our least favorite of all the places we had gone. Again, we closed down The Pub. Since it was our last night, we didn’t stay out quite as late, because we had to finish packing. 
The professional beach picture 

Ready for The Steakhouse
View of the Pool from Casabella 

On our last day, we met some of our friends at Casabella for breakfast and the other couple had already taken off early to catch their flight. The monkey finally showed up today! My husband told me I didn’t need a picture with a monkey. I told him that I did need one, so we compromised and I got my damn picture. We ate, packed some more and just lounged by the pool. We had lunch at Casabellas and then caught our ride to the airport. The ride was smooth and were were at the airport within 20-30 minutes. We went through customs and security. Our flights were smooth and perfect. When we flew into Charlotte, I saw the most beautiful sunset I had ever seen. Overall, we enjoyed our little getaway. We would definitely give it a high rating! 

Enjoy the pictures below!

Cap Cana Beach 

Beach Grill
The Love Bar


DR airport 

The sunset flying into Charlotte 

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