Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Driving in Vieques...I refused!

Vieques driving = SCARY

This, my friends, is why I refused to drive in Vieques!  I do not like heights and I did not want to end up in an accident.  I'm actually a decent driver since I was raised on a farm and I do quite well driving through large cites like Chicago and Nashville; however, this was like nothing I had experienced before.  Soooo I let my foxy Husband do all the driving and chauffeur me around for a week.  My Husband isn't an excellent driver; however, these streets are up, down, narrow, and crazy.  The people drive like lunatics and there are horses, cats, chickens, iguanas, and dogs you have to constantly look out for.  Add that to the fact that there are potholes and half of the roads aren't paved.  The people park wherever they please and NOBODY uses turn signals.  There are some parts of town where the dogs sleep in the road and the people talk in the middle or stop their vehicle to chat.  You have to constantly be on guard! Did I mention horses?  The love to wander across the road as well.  Don't you know the grass is greener on the other side? 

You have to constantly be on guard! 

We caught this poochie taking a siesta and had to snap a picture!

This video shows us driving toward La Plata Beach and they had been working on the road and dumped a ton of rock.  Some of the holes had not been filled yet.  It was a bumpy ride so I'm sorry for the shakiness! 

If you ever go to Vieques, we rented a Jeep from Maritza's and we had stellar service.  We highly recommend her business.  You almost HAVE to have a Jeep to get to the beaches.  If you go make sure a rental is added into your budget.  The flight and the Jeep were the most expensive parts of our trip.  The Jeep ran us about $550 for the week.  We had it muddy and quite sandy.  It was not problem because it's part of the island.  The link to Maritza's:



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