Sunday, February 14, 2016

First Blogging Experience...EVER

First blog...Where to begin?  Since this blog is about traveling, we will start there and then we'll get back to who we are in a later post :)  Brad and I have traveled to many places in the US; however, the Caribbean has only been visited once.  Until now, that is.  Our first experience with the gorgeous turquoise and blue waters was Playa Del Carmen, Mexico.  This trip in 2009 started it all.  We chose Playa Del Carmen because it was away from the party type stuff we didn't want any part of.  We wanted culture and experiences that we could take away and remember forever. We did not care where we were staying, who was on the beach with us, or how many topless Europeans were sunbathing with us (If you can't beat em', join em')!  There were the  Mayan ruins, the shopping, the artisans with their pieces, the snorkeling, and the food...The list could go ON & ON! This was it.  We had to travel more.  I knew that I wanted to be a nurse, so school it was.  Fast forward...I'm now a Labor and Delivery Nurse with my bachelors degree and we can finally afford to travel!  The fact that we can afford it brings me back to yesterday.  Brad and I arrived in Indianapolis to a breezy 18 degrees with the chance of snow.  We came from 80 degree weather in the Caribbean so we were not too happy.  Are you curious where we went yet?  VIEQUES.  Nobody that I talk to has even heard of this little island.  It's THAT far off the beaten path.  We found it by listening to stories from our good friends, Curt and Lorrie from Indiana.  He has an AMAZING blog about Vieques.  Check out "After the Mortgage".  They get to travel there twice a year for a few weeks at a time.  Eventually, they will be residents on the tiny Island.  After hearing his tales and scouring his blog for information, we decided we HAD to make it there.  More about the vacation later...I have unpacking to do and I have to get some groceries since we cleaned everything out before our Vacay!

Brad and Becky

Our gorgeous friends Curt and Lorrie

P.S. Future posts will be about preparation for this vacation, things we did/saw/loved/hated at Vieques, looking back on Mexico and our plans for the next vacation!

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