Thursday, February 25, 2016

"The Ceiba Tree" and the Lighthouse Ruins in Vieques

The Ceiba Tree

The Ceiba tree is estimated to be over three centuries old!

Some new friends we acquired after giving them some of our granola.

I wish I had those eyelashes!

No, I do not have pants on....Don't judge me :)
We were heading to the beach after some pictures and exploring the Sugar Plantation Ruins!  On a side note, don't plan on spending a lot of time here.  The only thing to really see is the tree and some horses.  As majestic as they both are, I don't think you need to spend hours of your day here.  If you are looking at the tree, look left.  There is a dirt road and some hidden beaches along there.  You should have a 4X4 though.  It can be a bit bumpy.  There is one parking spot where you can string some hammocks up and watch pelicans dive for their food.  Its not a beach to hang out on...Just one to nap in a hammock in the shade on.  When leaving the Ceiba tree, get back on the road and don't turn left, which should be the direction you came from, but keep going straight.  You should run into Mosquito Pier which has the awesome snorkeling I was telling you about in an earlier post.  The pier is on the right side of the road. 

Lighthouse Ruins

There is a chain around the lighthouse, so you can't get too close.  She sure is a beauty, though!

The view from the lighthouse.  This was the best view on the island!

It needs some upkeep.  It's a shame that something this old with so much history is falling apart.

One the way there, you will see many of these signs.  The Navy is still doing extensive clean up on the island, so this is not just a threat.  It is a true safety concern.  Stay on the marked paths!

Check out this gorgeous view!

From what I heard and read, the lighthouse was used in the late 1800's until the 1920's.  The inside of the building is closed, which is a shame.  We heard that vandals tore it up inside and painted graffiti.  To find the ruins, you take a right as soon as you enter the Refuge and drive down the road which is marked with a sign.  There are two parking lots you will pass while on the road.  Park in the second one you get to.  Walk up the path and there you are!  You will feel the ocean spray and feel the warm breeze.  The views are fantastic from this vantage point!


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