Saturday, February 20, 2016

Glass Beaches (((Maybe a bucket list idea?)))

Just a few of my favorite pieces

I LOVE to look for beach glass, shells, and little bits of anything interesting!  I (almost) loved it as much as snorkeling!  In Vieques, I found all sorts of little scraps of glass, such as the bottom to a jar, some dinner ware, and Brad found some blue and one rare red piece!  We are told that you can find all colors of glass, but green, clear and the rust colors are the most common.  Since we found an olive color, a red, some blue and some light blue, we really made out like bandits!  The trip to Vieques really piqued my interest in glass findings on other beaches.  I decided to do some research.  USA Today has an article about some of the beaches which is a quick easy read.  The website is below:

Another good website that lists many more beaches:

Some websites are saying that it is unlawful to remove sea glass from beaches.  How interesting!  Something that is pollution and once was trash, is being protected???  This makes no sense to me...maybe someone can explain!?! 

In the future, I will be seeking out more glass beaches to add to my illegal pollution collection!!!  I'm thinking a sea glass beach vacations sound great for a bucket list! 


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